NK 16-9+2 SiO₂hh Tiến Nông
- Total Nitrogen (Nts): 16%
- Available Potassium (K₂Ohh): 9%
- Available Silicon (SiO₂hh): 2%
- Moisture: 5%
- Nitrogen (N): A fundamental component of proteins and chlorophyll, nitrogen promotes shoot and leaf growth, enhances fruit development, and increases biomass production.
- Potassium (K): Enhances photosynthesis, carbohydrate synthesis, and sugar and starch production. It also improves nutrient transportation, leading to higher crop yields and quality.
- Silicon (Si): Strengthens cell walls, making plants sturdier, more resistant to lodging, pests, and unfavorable weather conditions.
Usage Instructions:
Short-term crops: Rice, corn, potatoes, vegetables, etc.
- Application rate:
- 150 – 350 kg/ha per application
- 6 – 12 kg per 360m²
- 8 – 17 kg per 500m²
- 15 – 35 kg per 1,000m²
- Application time: Used as a top dressing to promote biomass growth and nourish tubers, fruits, seeds, and cobs.
- Application method:
- Apply in rows or at the plant base.
- Can be combined with weeding, soil loosening, and covering the fertilizer.
- May also be broadcast evenly across fields, followed by watering or dissolving in water for irrigation.
- Application rate:
Perennial crops: Coffee, cocoa, cashew, fruit trees, etc.
- Application rate: 0.3 – 1 kg/tree per application (100 – 200 g/m² of canopy area).
- Application time: Used as a top dressing to nourish branches and young fruits.
- Application method:
- Dig trenches from 3/4 of the canopy radius to the outer edge or create alternate holes.
- Apply fertilizer, cover with soil, and water if soil moisture is insufficient.
Safety Warnings & Storage:
- Not hazardous upon direct contact.
- Non-toxic to humans and livestock.
- Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Avoid direct sunlight.
Legal Documentation:
- Fertilizer Registration Code: 10801
- Fertilizer Type: NK Compound Fertilizer
- Technical Regulation Code: TCCS 28:2018/TN-TH
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