Tiến Nông Yellow Nitrogen – Micronutrient Supplement
- Total Nitrogen (Nts): 46%
- Biuret: 1.2%
- Zinc (Zn): 50 ppm
- Boron (B): 100 ppm
- Moisture: 1%
Usage Instructions:
Short-term crops: Rice, corn, potatoes, peanuts, flowers, vegetables, etc.
- Application rate: 100 – 150 kg/ha per application.
- Application time: Used for both base and top dressing to supply nitrogen (N) to crops.
- Application method:
- Apply in rows, at the base of plants, or dissolve for irrigation.
- Can be combined with weeding, soil loosening, and covering the fertilizer at the plant base.
- Can be evenly spread across the field surface, followed by watering.
Perennial crops: Lychee, longan, durian, avocado, mango, rubber, tea, coffee, cashew, pepper, citrus trees, etc.
- Application rate: 0.1 – 0.3 kg/tree per application (100 – 150 g/m² of canopy area).
- Application time: Used for both base and top dressing to supply nitrogen (N) to crops.
- Application method:
- Dig trenches or alternate holes from 3/4 of the canopy radius to the outer edge.
- Apply fertilizer, cover with soil, and water if soil moisture is insufficient.
Legal Documentation:
- Fertilizer Registration Code: 10891
- Fertilizer Type: Urea Fertilizer
- Technical Regulation Code: TCCS 90:2018/TN-TH
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